Two sisters & a cup of tea (Bible Study Podcast)

5: Patience: Enduring in Christ

Felicity Carswell & Sarah Dargue Season 13 Episode 5

Our passages today are from: 1 Timothy 1:12-17, Colossians 1:10-12 and Colossians 3:12-13

As we continue with our fruit of the Spirit series, today we're dwelling on Patience, or forbearance and long-suffering - all these words are used in the Bible to describe this essential quality of anyone who's following Jesus. Join us as we talk through both God's patience with us, and how that impacts our patience with others, both in 1 Timothy and Colossians.

This episode is sponsored by Moody Publishers.

A Christian publisher, they aim to resource the church’s work of discipling all people, with titles spanning from Bible commentary and reference to spiritual and relational growth.

Our recommended book from today is Fly Through the Bible by Colin Smith, if you would like a copy, you can find it here.

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